Find out how you can
actually make $200 per
month with PTC sites like
Neobux and Onbux.
Neobux and Onbux are the
same legit PTC (paid to click)
sites which provide instantly
payout to member.All you
need to do is that just click on
the advertisement showed in the sites then view for 30
seconds then you can get 1
cent per ads. One day you able
to get around 4-5 ads showed
and clicked, which mean you
can earn 4-5 cents per day. 4 cents per day seem like a very
low amount to earn online
one day. How you can double
or even triple up the earning
amount? Here showed you
some tips and strategy that you may find interesting to
follow. Strategy # 1 Without
1. You need to sign up
an Neobux or Onbux account.
2. Log in to the account and start
clicking those displayed ads.
3. Once your account reached
$1.00 then transfer those
credit into the rental balance.
4. Rent a pack of 3 referrals.
5. You need to monitor the
performance of the referrals.
If those referrals not active
with below average 1 click
per day or haven ’t clicked in 6-7 days, then you need to
recycle them. Cost you $0.07
per one referral cycled.
Recommended auto recycle
but you need to wait for 14
days in order to enable this function.
6. Get more rented referral once
your credit increased. But for
standard member, you need
to wait for 7 days before can
make another rental.
7. Don’t cash out the money that you already
earned. Maintained the money
in the account for buy more
referral and sustained them.
8. Once you reached 500 rented
referrals then you can stop
renting and just maintain on
the ones that you have.
9. You can consider to upgrade
to golden member once you
successful build up to $100
10. Once you get Golden
membership, keep renting
more referrals and
maintaining them. Once you
hit 1250 referrals, you can stop
renting referrals and just maintain them and start to
cash out your money .
Strategy # 2 With
1. You need to sign up
an Neobux or Onbux account.
2. You need to try to get as
more direct referral as you can
that able to gain you 100%
3. Buy golden member for $60
4. Rent 100 referrals cost $20
5. Keep on clicking and be active
in the sites
6. Extend the first pack of 100
reff for 90 days with 20% discount
7. Keep renting 100 pack
referrals and keep
on clicking .
8. Make sure that you maintain
and monitor an average of 1
in order to make profit . If less than adv 1 per day ,
recycle them.
9. keep doing this until you
reach 1000 referrals.
10. Be sure to maintain your
referrals and to extend your
referrals for 90 days which
will give you a 20% discount.
11. Slowly cash out
your money every week and you should get your
investment back in around 3
12. After that, everything is pure
profit for you so you can
think about how to get an
ultimate pack ($620 ,$640 for 6
months .. with an ultimate
account you will earn alot of money every month. To register.... Click here
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